Appreciate the little things

"Life is too short to do the things you don't love doing." ~ Bruce Dickinson

Recently I have come to realise it's the small things that are truly joyful. Obviously, I would love to have houses on houses, a private jet, swimming pool... you name it. Call it maturity or stupidity, your pick. When you work 9-5, 5 days a week time seems to get away from you. Little time to enjoy and spend your hard earned money. Struggles to plan things with the mates. Guess it's all part of growing up. Mum did say there will be a day where things change and seeing friends becomes a mission. Weird how you would never think it would become true.

I might have posted about monopoly a few months ago. Well this time it's about another board game. A good friend of mine introduced me to a indie game called The Resistance. Absolutely awesome game I must say!

What is 'The Resistance'?

You need a minimum of 5 players where character cards are passed around at random. You can either be part of the resistance or a spy, these are determined by the cards. On the board there are 5 missions and the aim for each team is to win/fail 3 missions. Resistance to win and spies to fail. There is always more resistance members and spies are capped off at a total of 4. A leader chip is passed around; kind of like the dealer chip in poker. As the leader you can select people to go on the current mission. Then everyone is allowed to either Accept or Reject the choice; based on the assumptions of who each person thinks are the spies. This is where it gets interesting. Resistance members will always want to succeed the mission however the spies can choose whether they want the mission to fail or succeed. People taking part in the mission are then given the success and fail cards. They pick the card they want to play and it is shown to everyone else after a shuffle. One fail will fail the mission.

Plot twist! There are also plot cards that make the game even more interesting. Cards such as 'look at the person immediately to your left or right's character card'. How does this make it more interesting? Suppose you are a spy, you get that plot card, you can now lie about the character card you just saw to trick the rest of the crowd. In short, how good are you at psychological warfare? 

The plan was to play monopoly but honestly this game was stupidly amazing.

Appreciate the little things; little things such as this... sitting around a board game with your closest friends and having a good laugh.

Do you know who the spies are?