One Year On

A year on from my frantic panic applying for graduate jobs, I think I have done quite well. As a Civil Engineering Graduate who was applying to finance, I managed to land myself into the world of project planning. It makes more sense due to the study background than crunching numbers as an accountant or something of the sorts.

Having read Civil Engineering at university I had an immediate advantage over my fellow graduate colleagues. The advantage wasn't massive however as I still had to learn how to use complexed software programs. With no corporate experienced I was launched into the world of learning on the job and delivering / planning high profile projects. With the help of many experienced and bright minds, I found myself getting on with it; learning new things through experience. Being amongst day-to-day operations on-site and in the office has given me a deeper insight into the construction industry and what my job role is.

Planning can be difficult especially when you are thrown into the deep end and asked to build a contract programme from tender. "Pour on some elbow grease and get on with it", that is my understanding of the corporate world. The urge to deliver on time and on budget is a major thing and its not usually achieved, as such I have made it my aim to always meet deadlines and force the team to do so as well. Contingency is key.

Make contacts! It is a must, I've always been told its all about who you know and that's how successful you'll be. First and foremost enjoy your job, from personal experience over this past year if you don't enjoy the job you won't be motivated to perform to the best of your abilities.

Now let me go and deliver Finsbury Park Station upgrade on time.
