My Glutes Hurts

As the year of 2015 gets going; I have started working hard at my goals. It is ever so hard though. I mean why would I want to get out of bed in the weekends to go hit the gym but not only that... to tutor as well.

2015 is my year of the stack. For those who do not get the slang, it is the year where I save up hard. Is there anything in particular I am saving up for? Yup, quite a few things but that's a need to know basis.

The gym however is exceptionally hard when it is freezing here in good ol' London town. As we have been getting temperatures of 0°C maybe even sub-zero you can imagine how difficult it is to motivate oneself. Nevertheless it has to be done! As I got into the gym yesterday I knew it was going to be tough, but determination plus a deadline prevailed. As my March ski trip approaches, the ankle knows it must be strong and tough ready to battle snowboarding once again. So I need the squats and a full leg day incorporating some back workouts as well.

How did I feel during and after?

My legs started strong and tough like a tree trunk. That wasn't the case after the hour and half session; the jelly flex kicked in and the legs were all over the place. A real struggle might I add. After all the squat variations, lateral steps, deadlifts, carve-raises, leg extensions, back flies... I'm sure there's more... I stumbled my way to the changing room where sitting down for 5 minutes could have been the worst decision I made that day. I literally limped out of the gym afterwards.

Today is the day after and I can tell you with real confidence; no pain no gain... and I need my GAINS.

Getting there