Body Language

What does your body language say about you?

According to studies it takes a tiny 7 seconds for someone to decide upon their first impressions on you. Whether it be making new friends or going on a first date or an interview; first impressions are extremely important.

I can't say that I give off the best representation of myself all the time but I try. Here are some tips:

Start with a Handshake. The strength of a handshake conveys a lot of information. From a firm to a limp handshake, each intensity communicates pertinent conscious and subconscious clues about your personality. It doesn't take an expert to interpret these clues either. Anyone can tell you that a limp handshake is not a great first impression.

Handshakes are a form of body language, and body language is an important part of the interview, too. From your handshake to your shaking hands, your body language is also sending signals for good or ill. Fidgeting, eye contact, the position of your hands above or below the table are all details communicating clues about you to the interviewer. Sometimes without either of you realizing it, as body language often has subconscious interpretation.

You can treat body language to brand marketing. You are your own brand. Simply how you display yourself will either sell you in a positive persona or a negative way. When speaking it is important to make eye-contact, this goes for listening as well. Keeping up a nice smile is important too. It can show that you are a person that has feeling and expression. Nobody wants a robot.

Where do you keep your hands? Are they in your pockets or fiddling around underneath the table? These are signals that show insecurity or a case that you might be hiding something. At an interview are you sat up straight? Sitting up straight shows confidence and strength while slouching gives of the impression of laziness. When walking is your posture upright with shoulders back and chest out? You want to display the fact that you are that strong individual who can conquer a challenge.

Every impression you make at an interview counts but you can apply these tips to everyday life. Be sure that you consider how your handshake and other body language signals become white coat moments and make sure that you are sending out the right ones! You never might handshake your way into a better job and a better life.

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