Treat Yourself. Do You.

If you're like me who just graduated university and is now working 5 days a week; 40 hours or more so to say, you will probably feel like 'free time' is vaporised.

As time runs on, you slowly get used to the routine and the shifts of the working life which then becomes had to turn off. What do I mean by that? Well, do you ever wake up at 7am or your usual wake up time on the weekends. Don't shy away put your hand up. Work takes up the majority of life and over the years it will slowly but surely start to take a toil on the body. We give and give and give so much of ourselves - our time, talents, energy. Some people sacrifice families and health and for what - your company's bottom line? A prestigious award? A promotion?

While we all need to work to provide and survive. We must timely remind ourselves that work is NOT our lives. It is simply a means. Why not take some time out, relax with the friends, hit the pub after work? Or maybe book a spa day and just massage up. Everybody needs a reset sooner or later, and if you are anything like me then you will need a reset at least once a week.

The point is: sometimes you need to take a timeout. Force yourself to take one. You've got personal days for a reason! Turn off the phone, put down the planner.Catch your breath. Go somewhere new and exciting. Try a new restaurant. Take a spa day. Watch some old movies. Relax...

'You set the standard for how people will treat and regard you by how you treat and regard yourself'. -Bryant McGill

Candles :)