Growing up

I’m willing to bet everyone complained about the morning TV when they were young. I used to wake up before school and blitz down the stairs to catch the morning cartoons as a kid. It would be on and stuck on the news channel, queue the sulking. “I want to watch… dad.” Never did I want to watch the news or have the slightest interest in politics or the economy.

Something has changed since. At some magical moment in time, the brain decides you need to grow up and realise the world is not within your house. Sooner or later you realise the first web page you load up is BBC News or CNN. You’d start to take more interest into economic matters such as Greece and the Eurozone or China’s collapsing markets. Maybe you have an interest in politics… Either way I suppose growing up does this.

I guess it trumps us all, growing up that is. Donald Trump seems to have the ‘right’ idea; he’s going to win America but in the process whining a lot. Quote: ‘I do whine because I want to win and I'm not happy about not winning and I am a whiner and I keep whining and whining until I win’.

Some may call this comedy or entertainment, Hilary Clinton, but the game plan seems to be solid. Get the public opinion, voice your opinion, show that you don’t give up and then boom. It is the same as every other job role or life situation, don’t give up and boom…

On the topic of news, Tube Drivers are striking again, just wonderful. Driver-less tubes to come into action soon I hope.

Whine away.