
I'm sure some of you out there can relate to this feeling. You can't wait to finish university, the exams are going one after another... the final exam has now been completed. A month or so later its graduation day. The excitement boils, the moment finally comes. Your name gets called out then its the shake of the chancellor's hand that follows. Some walk and smile, I decided to take a bow. What a day that was, I shall forever remember that day - forever cherished with my buddies. Obviously just like everyone else would; its celebration time! The next morning everything sinks in: you don't have a job, confusion kicks in and you (I) feel like a bum.

Sounds familiar right?

Well for me that bum feeling finally vanish this week. I got hired! I mean those months in the 'void' were some of the hardest times. One is seriously lost, not sure what to do - apart from gym and gym.

Life finally makes sense to me again; I've got a motive, a purpose or you could say some outlook to life itself. Sometimes I do wonder how some people could just sit at home and claim benefits, does it not get boring? To me its almost like having 24 hours on repeat, 7 days a week as well. This is rich coming from someone as lazy as me.

So what have I learnt this summer? A lot would be the simple answer but I shall give you the load down below.

  • LinkedIn is a must! (Fix yours if you haven't, thats how I'm getting headhunted.)
  • How to think for yourself. Everyones got to grow up at some point.
  • To have ambition. So crucial I cannot even begin to explain.
  • Enjoy the little moments in life. University life is over and I wish I did more, this summer is my last 'summer holiday'; no more 5 month long holidays coming my way ever again. T_T
  • To make the most of everything.
  • Never give in to negativity!

So thats my list, I would mention more but I doubt it'll be helpful to many. As Louis Litt would say 'It's time to get Litt the hell up'. It really is time.

Objective 1: These posts shall get a bit more frequent and regular. (Hold me to it)

Peace out b.