First Staff Meeting

I've had my first staff meeting! But wait, I start on the 1st of September... how does this make any sense? So this is going to be a short post but hey worth a read I hope.

The firm decided to invite the new graduates (me) to the monthly staff meeting; I introduced myself, had some interesting conversations and sandwiches, crisp, coke? the whole shabang. This is where it gets interesting... As a company everyone headed out for the London RIB Boat ride. It was bloody amazing.! If you are ever in London or you get the chance to go on a RIB Speedboat, DO IT!

So obviously after this ride everyone is cold, a little wet but mainly cold. I mean my hands were freezing. We ended up at All Bar One... and well you know what goes down there. ALCOHOL, all on the firm's tab. Now I don't know whether this is a good thing or a bad thing considering I have little recollection of how I got myself home, the many texts I sent (oops) and whatever else happened that night.

It was a mess, I may have had a little too much. Okay who am I kidding I had way too much. So I'm typing this with a hangover still but it was great. Love the firm, love the people, love the activities. <3