Goals - 2015

I guess since this is the trend I might as well jump on it as well. Lets set some 2015 goals!

I can successfully say I completed most of my 2014 goals, some of which were; 
  • Continuation of gym training, 
  • Graduate with my Masters in Civil Engineering, 
  • Find myself a graduate job,
  • Be more independent,
  • etc.

So what's new for this year? Well, quite honestly goals are set to better oneself. What is the point of setting goals if you're not going to try at all? I mean every year, without fail, the gym packs out with new members in January but how many of them strive on and stay training? I am certain there are not many. Some people set unrealistic goals; this year I'm going to become a billionaire... I guess if you own a business that is well achievable but not for the average-joe like me. Then there's the folk who set goals which are just plain stupid. I mean who would set goals like; I'm going to piss in the toilet bowl not the toilet seat this year... You piss where you aim...

Okay, maybe that's enough ranting from me, here are my 2015 goals:
  • Gym Training - attempt to train more than I did last year, and more GAINS; smash up my PRs.
  • To stop being late for work or anything for that matter.
  • Better money management.
  • Be selfish and live for myself (I swear I'm too nice).
  • Swimming (at least twice a month).
  • Write more blog posts.
  • Read more books.

I'm sure I can think of a few more but let's leave it at that. Ultimately, I think the point of these goals is self-improvement and development; if its not that why set goals at all then?

"Love the Life you Live, Live the Life you Love." ~ Bob Marley
More Gains Needed.

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