Cut from a finer cloth

Eventually everyone wants to be earning the big bux, bringing home the six figures and showing wealth. It's a good aim. I guess the real question is how do we (especially us graduates) achieve this?

I suppose there's a few ways; mine is in the form of Management Consulting.

What is Management Consulting?
Here's what Google says it is: Management consultants help organisations to solve issues, create value, maximise growth and improve business performance. They use their business skills to provide objective advice and expertise and help an organisation to develop any specialist skills that it may be lacking. Bla bla bla...

So what is it really. I would describe it as building and delivering business models in terms of planning, controls and management that the client would like to hear, from this obtaining a hell of a load of billable after-work. What is the short answer you say? Okay, it's basically sugar coating some data and plans, then telling the client they will make crazy money as long as they follow this plan.

So life as a consultant. Most people envisage lots of travelling and talking to clients, delivering pitches and so on... True however not as glamorous as you imagine. Long hours are involved, you have to make sure you deliver to deadline no matter what. Sometimes the client may abuse you, but what can you do? Unless you're a top dog at your firm you just have to suck it up and plough on.

Eventually when you've built up a massive network of contacts and experience; you move up the food chain. You can become a Principal Consultant bringing in the dollar dollars for your firm; a valuable asset that they will not let go off. At this stage the long hours don't cease, they might actually get longer. No rest for the wicked they say, but the perks do get better. A massive increase in pay, top dollar so to say, you will probably be able to expensive everything you spend... more holiday, more power. You know that general type of category.

In the wise words of Marty Kaan: "Real fortune has nothing to do with chance or luck. "Fortuna" is bullshit. Real fortune is calculated. It's relentless, fucking criminal even. You have to make fortune happen."

Are you going to be a cut from finer cloth?