The Bridge Guy

So this is a story all about how my life got flipped turned upside down... Okay I kid. Its just a story on how I became the bridge guy.

I remember in my early years just when I was applying to university I had this deep fascination for bridges. "One day I will design and build my own bridge." There was this section about the Golden Gate bridge and its magnificent stance in the world in my personal statement for the dreadful UCAS application. There's a vague memory of it being 3 paragraphs but coming from me that's quite enthusiastic.

As architecture wasn't a very viable option I decided upon the route of Civil Engineering. I must admit I lost interest in that route as well but I ploughed through and got my masters. Funny enough my master's final project involved either designing a tunnel system or a bridge system to run across the London Gateway, DP World shipping port. It seems subconsciously I chose to do a flyover or maybe I knew a tunnel would be much more complicated.

Finally reaching the working life, I was chucked upon planning for Hammersmith Flyover. Yes guys, I'm the one who has been causing those delays and closures. Now a bit further down the line, I have become the Project Planner for two more bridge upgrade works. Arsenal fans you can hate me later but expect problems in the Highbury and Holloway area for the next 2 years.

So its been bridge after bridge, I haven't exactly built one however taking control over one or two is close enough. Maybe I should slap my name on those bridges somewhere.