London Underground Strikes again...

I guess this one is going to be a rant.

Yet again London's finest transport system has decided to strike and screw up the already tough rush hour commutes. Why are they striking? Simply because they want to be paid more when the 24 hour weekend tube starts running. Fair enough, I can agree with that. I mean who doesn't want to get paid more and more. However there is a fine line between fair and outrageous, and it is simply outrageous now.

As the talks were going on, tube drivers and staff were offered a 2% pay-rise and also for those who work the nightshifts £2000 additions. Amazing isn't it? They can strike once a year and get a 2% pay-rise. I don't know many that even get 2% a year. Guess what... they rejected this. Why? They want more.

Think about this; if they do this for 20 years in a row, getting 2% pay-rise every time... hold up I'll do the maths for you. Its a 49% pay rise in 20 years for driving a tube, sitting down and pressing a few buttons. Not to mention the extra additions they get here and there... Okay, maybe percentages don't make things clear enough. The average tube driver starting wage is £49,000; in a years time he will earn £50,000, even before the pay-rise they earn more than any university graduate. In 20 years time the tube driver will be earning £72,811... add the extras and its probably £85,000+.

I'm clearly not happy about their attitude. I say give them nothing, let the unions pay their wage and close LU for the amount of time needed for the the unions to go dry. The bin-men tried it and eventually started working again. I'm sure London and stand strong with the bus system for a while.
