Early Bird Catches the Worm

'Early Bird Catches the Worm'; a phrase everyone is familiar with without a doubt but how many of us actually live by it? Debatable.

So with the new year most of us come up with new year resolutions; lose weight, work harder, make more money, go travelling etc. Not many are kept by the end of the year, I shall point the finger at myself.

This year I have decided to take a new approach. Rather than making new resolutions I am going to continue working on the ones setup last time. Why did I start of with that phrase you ask? Well the reasoning behind not achieving all my goals is plain and simple: I have too much of a lazy nature. I would blame things on not having enough time to complete or do them. "I need more hours in the day..." definitely said that line a few to many times in 2015.

Solution: Create more time in the day. Basically I know I sleep too much, although not necessarily a bad thing as we all need sleep, I reckon I overdose in the luxury of sleep itself. Why didn't I go gym yesterday? "I need sleep I'm tired afterwork..." I call bullsh*t. Sleep earlier and thus wake up earlier. Its funny how much more time suddenly becomes available when used effectively.

So what are my resolutions? {------ Insert copy and paste below -------}

  • Gym Training - attempt to train more than I did last year, and more GAINS; smash up my PRs.
  • To stop being late for work or anything for that matter.
  • Better money management.
  • Swimming (at least twice a month).
  • Badminton weekly.
  • Write more blog posts.
  • Read more books.

'Walk with me thru the pathway of more success. Stay Focused!' - DJ Khaled 2015