My throat hurts and I've got tears

I have come to a conclusion that everyone needs a good laugh every now and then. Whether it is some good banter with some mates, or a stand up comedy or if you just saw someone trip over on the streets. Have a laugh! ~ (Okay, I don't should encourage that last one. Make sure you help them back up.)

What am I getting at you ask? Well... Kevin Hart's What Now Tour was amazing!!! It has been quite a while since tears have come out due to laughter. My throat is sore from all the laughing as well. Some of the jokes were really ridiculous. There were moments where you would think, how the heck did he come up with that. "Bang Bang". Just how?!

Why should you laugh more? Apparently it relieves stress and if you type stress into Google I am sure you will find multiple websites telling you that stress is a 'slow killer'. Everyone stresses and it is important to get rid or relieve yourself off it. I guess there are other ways to getting letting it out, such as: Sex, Shouting, Dancing, Masturbating, Eating, Crying..... but amongst them lies laughing.

'Laughter is nature's counter to bad stress'

Laughter is the #1 natural enemy of bad stress because they are physiological opposites. The predominance of one tends to prevent the other. A clue to this may be found in the body’s typical actions after extreme stress of the fight or flight kind: deep panting (all relaxation response are exhalation based) and using laughter to make light of events that provoked fear. The predominance of one (deeper breathing and laughter) tends to prevent the other (fear).

Laughter helps improve the cardiac vagal tone, which reflects how much your heart rate is influenced by your breathing. It’s an indication of your body’s capacity to regain calm after you've been in a stressful situation. Low vagal tone has been linked to chronic inflammation throughout the body, which is a known risk factor for heart failure, stroke and diabetes.

'I got in the car and started laughing'