Finsbury Park Station

Considering I blog/ rant quite a bit about work I thought I should open Pandora's Box and enlighten you on what is actually going on at Finsbury Park Station.

Finsbury Park Station is the fourth busiest station outside of zone one. It is one of the stations that is on Jeremy Corbyn's radar as he uses it a lot apparently (haven't seen him yet). It has an interchange of Network Rail lines and also the Piccadilly and Victoria lines as well. So being the station that it is you would think its modern and looks like Kings Cross. WRONG.

Finsbury Park Station currently looks like trash. There is water ingress, leaking water pipes, extreme dust, disused abandoned passages, no step free access and until just recently it did not even have ticket barriers. It was basically like a free for all.

So what is the new vision?

Wells Terrace Entrance will be closed forever but in its place a new entrance will be opened directly linking the station to the new City North development of shops and apartments. Four new lifts will be put into place two of which will be ready for use by mid-2018 and another two later on in that year. Finsbury Park station will then truly become step free access both up to Network rail lines and also Tube lines underneath. Rather exciting I know.

From now until then, the station will have reduced stair access due to construction works. The station staff will be more stressed than usual but it is all for the longevity of North London. Coming from myself, the project team, it looks to be a successful project however that does not remove the current logistics and construction issues we face everyday. Pressures from above, below and beyond so to say.

It shall be delivered.