How well do you know your stations?

Let's start with a general knowledge question: Which two London tube stations contains all the vowels of the English Alphabet?

Now I'm sure that pretty much no one, unless you are a tube guru, will know the answer of that question of the top of your head. Goes to show that we only know what is familiar to us. Nothing wrong with that I must say, no need to panic. Growing up we're told to go explore, figure out what we want to do with our futures or rather venture outside of your comfort zone. I cannot say I do that a lot and most people would have the same opinion about themselves.

It is however good to venture, to explore and see new things. So what does this have to do with the title of the blog? Absolutely nothing.

When at work you want to know as much information or as many different ways of achieving result. Varies different factors may contribute to varies different outcomes, it is impossible to know everything however we should make our best efforts to learn more each day.

Finsbury Park Station is actually quite the maze. Those familiar would know of it as the station which didn't have ticket barriers or the one with no lifts. Wait until the end of 2018, I promise the lifts will be in and working in top condition. Many will not however know of the abandoned passageways and tunnels hidden inside the station from the public. Not particularly nice or clean areas as you can imagine all the dirt and mice scurrying about. Lots of damp and lots of muck. Check out the two pictures in this post.

Soon the mail train line will be open to the public to see, I don't know about you but I'm rather intrigued.

Creepy isn't it?