Political Gain

Where have the Leaders gone?
Politics seems to have dominated the news lately. We have had the Elections, Brexit, Grenfell Tower... I'm sure there is more. But who is to gain from all of this?

Clearly not the general public that's for sure.

So far we (United Kingdom) have had a failed snap election which should have been an easy win for the Conservatives to gain more bargaining power for the looming Brexit talks. Well... this didn't happen; the opposing Labour party decided to sell dreams to the youth of the nation with the cutting of all the tuition fees. Dreams being sold of billions of pounds to be given to the NHS to fix the sinking ship. The increase in welfare funded by the taxing of the high earners who have worked hard for their income. Not to mention Theresa May didn't know how to run an campaign at all, shooting herself and her party in the foot.

Has anyone gained from this massive feat. Most definitely not; although you could arguably claim that Jeremy Corbyn has now gotten the full support of this party along with the youth of our society. It's quite easy for one to put out things in his manifesto which may or may not be possible achieve when the chances of winning the election is slim. Despite everything Corbyn has said... Labour did not win the elections; only one party did... it clearly wasn't the Tories either.

The term 'King Makers' has been used quite a bit in the media lately, as we have a hung parliament with no majority the closest to the 'throne' are the Tories running a minority government. Why not a coalition? After the last coalition I believe no party wants to take that risk anymore, the Liberal Democrats basically got burnt and their party will never be the same again; Nick Clegg even lost his seat as MP to a recent graduate (how embarrassing). So who are the 'King Makers' this time? Running up to election day Theresa did warn that the government could end up being run by terrorist sympathisers. She at the time was probably pointing the figure at the Labour government and their past dealings. She did warn us that if the Tories did not get a majority this was a possibility.

So the DUP or in full: Democratic Unionist Party of Northern Ireland are our country's 'King Makers'. Until recently nobody had the faintest clue who they were but now they seem to be all sorts of relevant. There are even rumours of a £2bn deal with the Tories, this better not be the case. Rumour also has it that the party members all descend from the IRA but who am I to speculate.

Minority government paired with terrorist sympathisers with opposing parties of crazy suggestions. All I know is the Pound Sterling is ruined; as I post this the GBPUSD trades at 1.26637.