Setting up

I should really be studying for my exams instead of writing this, oops.

Have you ever trying setting up something, maybe your internet connection or just a meet with the mates? Well setting up this interview is a mission, I'm supposed to call and arrange a suitable time and date. Easy right? That's what I thought. I've tried 3 times in the past 24 hours to try get this sorted but she's never at her desk sadly.

Maybe I'm been too keen? Or I'm not actually pestering them enough. Either way, I need to get this done. Funny thing is I don't actually remember what role I applied for, and I didn't note it down either. For those out there applying I recommend noting down when you applied, where you applied and also what you applied for. For all I know I could have applied to be a janitor, actually if they pay me £30k + bonus a year I will gladly do it. 

-----> Hire me Edmond Koh, Graduate Janitor, Only Demanding £30k <----- 

So its come to the end of the week and I guess I shall have to wait until monday. On a positive note though, I have secured an interview for RGL Forensics; quite keen on this actually. I like the idea of financial accounting for lawsuits and the likes, I could be the next Louis Litt (Suits) except no law degree and no Havard... Oh well. I should actually come up with my own kind of catchphrase, you know like "You're gonna get Litt Up, Litt UP!". Any ideas guys?

Maybe I'll get my name on the door someday. Maybe I'll actually get to run my own firm, I hope so actually. I'll make sure I get glass elevators, strong bond glass elevators; like seriously who would want to stand on glass thats cracking beneath their feet at 103 storeys high. Shiny floors and pretty lights, no one will be able to resist.

Enough daydreaming, lets get these interviews sorted.