
I think some of the hardest or most toughest times in a persons life is that period of waiting. Sometimes waiting isn't so bad, but when you're in the deep end hoping for the best it can be annoying.

I suppose this post refers to more than just my interviews but I shall get on to that. Finally found out before my interview what the role was for Bouygues Energies & Services; it turns out I actually did apply to be a janitor, okay enough Edmond... you applied for the Finance role. The telephone interview was chilled, prepared for the right questions and all; well luckily enough anyways. I mean you literally can not find any interview information of this company. Check WikiJobs you say? Nope, done that. theStudentRoom? Haha, none there either. I had to start my own thread and that didn't even work out effectively either.

So I've had that interview, but also RGL Forensics too. Now this one was a little tougher, they completely threw me off by literally asking the same/similar questions that were already in the application. All that extra research done felt like a waste, now I know a little too much about forensic accounting; good thing hopefully.

So the count starts: in the dark for Bouygues E&S, in the dark for RGL.

So exam results. While I am experiencing freedom right now, don't get me wrong its amazing, I hope that I actually get what I need. If in the unfortunate event I do not, I may have to perform that which can not be named. I watch too many films. 4 years in the making and almost at the graduation stage, literally cannot wait. Its Eddie's dream to graduation, maybe dance on stage (Soulja boy, Superman-ing that hoe) but finally getting to throw up that hat and call the end of formal education.

Screw this... I need more interviews and definitely some holidays! Sun, beach, and alcohol call upon me. Summon me away from London.