Daily Grind

Having interviews gives you a great buzz, maybe its just me... who knows? However having none makes me feel like a bum.

Getting interviews... probably not the hardest thing ever. Its just the process is so long. People call it the grind in the ghettos, the only way to make it out of the struggle. As I'm sure most of you are acquainted with; "The Struggle is Real". This journey has too many potholes, too many humps and bumps but the end result will be amazing, almost like that moment where you've scored the girl of your dreams. ---Okay thats just me babbling.. Blah.---

So what grinding am I doing? Its that daily grind of doing at least 1 application a day... well trying to do at least that much anyways, but yes you've caught me red handed I'm guilty of being a little lazy these days... motivation on a low. I guess its hard.

How am I doing it this weekend? Well while chilling out in the woods in Lake District Centre Parcs, I try to sneak in the odd application here and there. Its tough though, I mean its the woods and I have no reception?! How do I survive... D:

Nothing beats chilling with the lads, a little smoke and a good drink, in between the apps.

Lets plough on! Good luck me and the occasional Peacock that keeps chilling with me.