Square one.

That daunting thought that time is running out and life is about to either get seriously peak or seriously amazing starts to loom over my head. Why's this?

I'm back to square one baby. Okay I guess I shouldn't really be celebrating about this... You guys are probably thinking: 'What is he on about, what is he smoking? I want some of that.' I didn't make it to the final round for Bouygues ES, RGL Forensics as well... but you know what they say: "Hold your head up high and carry on!"

Bouygues had an amazing atmosphere and family feel; you don't actually get this feel from an assessment centre. If you're a graduate next year I recommend applying to them. I mean the assessment centre just felt like a casual conversation and chat, actually loved that day even though I didn't get the place. The day consisted of a skills test, two group exercises and finally a face to face interview, but did I mention the food? I must say they feed you well, even though I didn't have much. I may have spend a little too long talking to the graduates there, oops. Okay okay, don't grill me, I'm just easily satisfied with good food in my belly. I guess its the way to win me over.

RGL on the other hand was quite tough. The day was long and so where the interviews, I suppose the role and opportunity made it so they had to have it that way. (I think I just phrased that in a long winded way.)

So what now? Well do you remember my last blog post. Its back to the grind, got to start pumping out applications to what's left out there. Got to do it like pumping out water from a boat that's got a leak that's about to sink, THROW ALL THE WATER ABOARD... SAVE ME.

I need a holiday... starting to get sick of all the applying, bet you're getting sick of reading my stresses. If not you must be rather entertained. Someone out there please, hire me! (I'm still willing to be a Janitor for £30k+)

mmmmm, Smoked Salmon -drools-