The new chapter begins

It will literally be a month on the 28th since my trip to Tenerife. I can still picture everything vividly in my mind, the walk from the hotel to the local shops, the walk the beach and the amazing Veronicas Strip; damn I miss it all.

So much has happened since; I got hired, met some amazing people, caught up with some close mates... funny how the list doesn't actually seem that long but everything has happened so quickly, Tenerife felt like yesterday.

Sounds like I'm just aimlessly ranting, Edmond what are you trying to get at?

Well, I've only got 4 days felt of freedom before the 08:30 - 17:00s start. However much I literally cannot wait to start work, I'm truly starting to miss all the free time I've had for the last 22 years of life. Everyone would say enjoy your youth, your free time, the freedom as much as possible while it exists. While I can thankfully say I have enjoyed my youth, I regret to say I could have done so much more... so much more. I should have taken more holidays, enjoyed university much more than I already have, partied even harder and possibly made even more friends. I even miss those days during primary school where it was all fun and games, nothing but climbing frames, drawing and 1+1. Secondary school days where I skipped science classes and went to the ICT department just to play games. Ms Lish, thank you so very much for covering for me!

I guess that chapter in my life is now over; work begins on the 1st of September 2014, 9am. As excited as I am, I am also frightened... Why? I mean its new, a brand new challenge, new people and the open world. Who knows whats install for me out there? Only time shall tell. Funny thing is I went to buy work attire and damn; I don't have I've ever owned so many shirts in my life. Signs of responsibility I suppose.

Maybe at some later stage in my life I will look back at my blog and read about the start of this new chapter of my life. To that future self: I hope you are awesome, I hope you've sorted yourself out but foremost not given up on that immaturity.