Everything to be planned

Most plan very little in their lives. Maybe their holidays, their wedding day or the next few years. Not I though, I am finally a Project Planner - in training.

So week 3 of work is finally coming to an end, and its been quite eventful I must say. I've been bombing through the Primavera P6 textbook (absolutely awful), completed an Microsoft Excel course, and made some new mates, along with drinking and some banter. Almost 1 month into work and the first pay check should be coming soon. As of now I still do not have a desk, however I am not complaining. Chilling in the conference rooms with the reclining leather chairs and air con is just awesome. Did I mention that the rooms are soundproof as well? Yup, I'm guilty of watching random things at work, even brave enough to do it on the work laptop which gets monitored as well. I mean I literally just watched Jennifer Lopez's Booty music video. Gosh her bum, Iggy's bum, I would be her slave.

Leather lane for lunch, getting market street food is just the highlight of everyday. I've been getting falafel for a few days now and gosh its so good. It is bad that I even have like a loyalty card?

What's for lunch today? Well I brought in some leftovers from dinner but hey I got fruit! Pineapple, Strawberries and Apple :) Yum...

nom nom nom nom nom...