Why take risks?

Just what are you prepared to put on the line to achieve something?

Taking risks is probably one of the hardest challenges to commit to; simply because the risk to reward starts an inner combat or a battle in weighing the pros and cons where one tries to justify the risky decision.

I could almost relate this to a game of monopoly. Playing the game in itself is a risk, why? Well this is the one time that your friends and family suddenly become your enemies. You try the slyest tactics the most ruthless strategies in winning; even robbing the bank when no one is looking is high on the agenda of everyone playing. Is it worth it then? Most definitely, the sense of accomplishment and pride is so rewarding that it is irresistible. You may start playing as family but end as either a winner amongst sour faces or I suppose a sour face.

Quite a few other risks follow as well. You own Mayfair however the person across the board is offering you a chance to complete two property sets; this potentially lets you dominate and own a corner of the play board. The player wants Mayfair for your chance to complete two sets however he/she also owns Park Lane and the complete set of ‘brown’ and ‘light blue’ properties. The person is not able to build on the property set straight away unlike you but will be able to in 2 turns. Is it worth the risk? You know that in the long run you will not be able to win with the current assets, should you do it?

Life is similar. Every decision we make carries some amount of risk however most view risk negatively; always resulting in consequences rather than benefits. Well here are some benefits for you to think about.
  1. It opens you up to new challenges and opportunities. Here’s some room for self-development; you could learn a new skill to further your project controls.
  2. Taking risks can empower you to break down your limitations. Everyone has their boundaries or a comfort zone they don’t want to leave but by breaking this down and expanding you can improve your outlook on life and your ability to achieve on high levels.
  3. Become more creative. Put yourself out on a limb, a no excuse approach and hopefully your natural problem-solving skills boot up. You’ll be open to new ideas and should be willing to try new things.
  4. Defines what you really want. Most of the time your actions are predetermined by judgement; why not just dive out there and do what you want for a change. Move ahead and don’t look back!
  5. Builds your self-confidence and self-respect. Remember, it all starts with being fully aware and comfortable with yourself, then nothing is impossible apart from wings.

You will never know what you can achieve if you do not take risks, but it is important to manage your risks to ensure you receive the benefits.