
It seems as humans one of the hardest things to achieve is cooperation. WHY?!

Definition: "an act or instance of working or acting together for a common purpose or benefit; joint action."

So while working with two of my main clients and stakeholders, it has become inherently clear that they simply do not want to work together. I could describe it almost like a couple who are fighting over possession of the custody of their children while getting a divorce. The only difference is both clients want the same goal. Another example of this would be two selfish strikers who don't want to assist each other for the glory and success of the team.

It is funny when you think about it and release; most of us (humans) tend to be stubborn and want to do things our own way. Fair enough, I can understand this but why would you a common goal at risk to be the person with the bigger balls?

Maybe human nature just won't permit it. Cooperation that is.

Lets try this one day.