Who's in charge?

You can never satisfy everyone. It's just a way of life; some get what they want, most don't but is this always bad?

In light of the recent UK elections, it seems some do not what the Tories in power. I'm going to write this in as much of a neutral spotlight possible. When you go to an interview you may get asked the question "Where do you see yourself in 5 years?" It is clear the answer for some is not enjoying Tories govern; but also the majority saying yes to the Tories.

The last 5 years has proven great for our economy. There's 2 million more people in work, the deficit halved as a percentage of GDP, the economy growing, and real term wage increased. Yes, your take-home salary actually increased, from the value from £9k to £10.5k tax free allowance. There are however cuts to the benefit system and to the NHS coming our way; this however isn't necessarily a bad thing. This forces efficiency and hard work, similar to what privatisation aims to achieve.

On the other hand of the scale, Labour has 'promised' many things such as the increase of the minimum wage to student fee freezes and more funding for the welfare system. By all means this does help those 'in need', I guess the term is they care about the little guy. There's cuts in tax also. Just from hearing this many will jump and decide "that's what we need."

Lets think about it all a completely different way. Who seems to be complaining more about tax and cuts? Funny enough as it always is are the lower bracket of society. But have you ever thought about it this way? The tax free allowance has increase and the increase in tax only really affects the high earners; are retail employees suddenly earning £150k to pay the upper 50% tax bracket... I highly doubt it. You want the increase in funding to the welfare system, fine... but what funds it... once again tax. Creating money isn't as easy as turning up to the Bank of England and placing an ordering of £500 billion to be printed. If this was done we would end up like Greece and we all know how well that is working out. Ultimately we want a stronger economy, a boost, and by achieving this we all benefit.

It is a long game. But the real winners are the SNP.

Prediction complete.